Adv S2 HW pattern (4 hammers), tessellated
ربع مطرق (Arb'a MTariq)

Part A: Draw the circles
This 8-fold pattern only requires 8 divisions of each circle, and the circles touch each other with no overlap along the diagonals. Every other circle along each diagonal will then generate its own diagonal, along which we will draw another series of adjacent circles. There are only 4 shapes in the pattern.
Draw the center circle and divide into 8ths.Connect the crossed arc segments outside the circle to draw lines the entire diagonal lengths of the page.
Line the compass up along the diagonal edge of the center circle to mark the centers of the next circles along each diagnonal.
Continue to draw circles in this same manner until you reach the end of the tessellated pattern.
Set the dividers to the distance between quarter-marks of the circle. This will be used to define the next sets of axes in the grid.
Continue until the diagonal grid is complete.
Continue drawing circles along all the diagonals until complete, taking care to check the circles against each other to make sure the edges don’t overlap, and the centers of key circles are along the grid line. The end result will look like a series of faces with 5 pips arranged on each one, and each face overlaps its diagonal adjacent at the corner, sharing the corner pip.
Part B: Draw the construction lines
Now draw the construction lines. These will run parallel to the horizontal, vertical, and NE-SW and NW-SE diagonal axes. Divide each of the circle in eighths. This is done by placing the ruler along the centers of each each set of circles along these axes, and marking where the ruler crosses the rim of the circles. Note the numbers assigned to these points in the photograph. Vertical lines connect points 5-7 and points 1-3. Horizontal lines connect points 1-7 and points 3-5. NE to SW diagonal lines connect points 6-8 and 2-4. NW-SE diagonal lines connect points 4-6 and 2-8.
Part C: Highlight the shapes and color
You are now ready to highlight and color the shapes, of which there are only 4.
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